4 Berth Canal Boats

We have the following boats available.

Canal Boats


Boatclass : CBC4


This class includes the following boats:

  • Alexandrine
  • Ambonia King
  • Chattering Lory
  • Cuban Amazon
  • Cuban Amazon 2
  • Emerald Lorikeet
  • Everetts Blue 2
  • Kakariki
  • Meyers Parrot
  • Naretha Blue
  • Senegal Parrot

View details for the CBC4 class canal boats.


Boatclass : Grebe


This class includes the following boats:

  • Alexandrine
  • Ambonia King
  • Chattering Lory
  • Cuban Amazon
  • Cuban Amazon 2
  • Emerald Lorikeet
  • Everetts Blue 2
  • Hooded Grebe
  • Kakariki
  • Meyers Parrot
  • Naretha Blue
  • Pied Billed Grebe
  • Senegal Parrot
  • Western Grebe

View details for the Grebe class canal boats.


Boatclass : Kestrel


This class includes the following boats:

  • Alexandrine
  • Ambonia King
  • Chattering Lory
  • Common Kestrel
  • Cuban Amazon
  • Cuban Amazon 2
  • Emerald Lorikeet
  • Everetts Blue 2
  • Hooded Grebe
  • Kakariki
  • Meyers Parrot
  • Naretha Blue
  • Pied Billed Grebe
  • Senegal Parrot
  • Western Grebe

View details for the Kestrel class canal boats.


Boatclass : Nene


This class includes the following boats:

  • Alexandrine
  • Ambonia King
  • Bragi
  • Chattering Lory
  • Common Kestrel
  • Cuban Amazon
  • Cuban Amazon 2
  • Emerald Lorikeet
  • Everetts Blue 2
  • Hooded Grebe
  • Kakariki
  • Meyers Parrot
  • Naretha Blue
  • Oscar
  • Pied Billed Grebe
  • Senegal Parrot
  • Western Grebe

View details for the Nene class canal boats.


Boatclass : Swift


This class includes the following boats:

  • African Swift
  • Alexandrine
  • Alpine Swift
  • Ambonia King
  • American Black Swift
  • Biscutate Swift
  • Bragi
  • Chattering Lory
  • Common Kestrel
  • Common Swift
  • Cuban Amazon
  • Cuban Amazon 2
  • Emerald Lorikeet
  • Everetts Blue 2
  • Great Dusky Swift
  • Hooded Grebe
  • Kakariki
  • Little Swift
  • Meyers Parrot
  • Mottled Swift
  • Naretha Blue
  • Oscar
  • Pied Billed Grebe
  • Senegal Parrot
  • Sooty Swift
  • Tepui Swift
  • Tree Swift
  • Western Grebe

View details for the Swift class canal boats.


Boatclass : Weaver


This class includes the following boats:

  • African Swift
  • Alexandrine
  • Alpine Swift
  • Ambonia King
  • American Black Swift
  • Biscutate Swift
  • Bragi
  • Chattering Lory
  • Common Kestrel
  • Common Swift
  • Cuban Amazon
  • Cuban Amazon 2
  • Emerald Lorikeet
  • Everetts Blue 2
  • Great Dusky Swift
  • Hooded Grebe
  • Kakariki
  • Little Swift
  • Meyers Parrot
  • Mottled Swift
  • Naretha Blue
  • Oscar
  • Pied Billed Grebe
  • Senegal Parrot
  • Sooty Swift
  • Tepui Swift
  • Tree Swift
  • Village Weaver
  • Western Grebe

View details for the Weaver class canal boats.


Boatclass : Wren


This class includes the following boats:

  • African Swift
  • Alexandrine
  • Alpine Swift
  • Ambonia King
  • American Black Swift
  • Bay Wren
  • Bewicks Wren
  • Biscutate Swift
  • Blue Wren
  • Bragi
  • Cactus Wren
  • Canyon Wren
  • Carolina Wren
  • Chattering Lory
  • Cobbs Wren
  • Common Kestrel
  • Common Swift
  • Cuban Amazon
  • Cuban Amazon 2
  • Emerald Lorikeet
  • Eurasian Wren
  • Everetts Blue 2
  • Flutist Wren
  • Golden Crested Wren
  • Grass Wren
  • Great Dusky Swift
  • Grey Wren
  • Happy Wren
  • Hooded Grebe
  • House Wren
  • Inca Wren
  • Kakariki
  • Little Swift
  • Marbled Wren
  • Marsh Wren
  • Meyers Parrot
  • Mottled Swift
  • Musician Wren
  • Naretha Blue
  • Navas Wren
  • Nightingale Wren
  • Oscar
  • Pacific Wren
  • Pied Billed Grebe
  • Rock Wren
  • Sedge Wren
  • Senegal Parrot
  • Song Wren
  • Sooty Swift
  • Spotted Wren
  • Tepui Swift
  • Tree Swift
  • Village Weaver
  • Western Grebe
  • Winter Wren

View details for the Wren class canal boats.